How juniors & seniors take sustainable action in their (work)life
Sustainable development is about passing on a better planet to future generations – but what about the current ones? Why do we only hear about Millennial work-life demands when talking about sustainability in the work place? What about the senior generations who care just as much? And (how) can juniors and seniors build their work lives in support of sustainability throughout their careers and beyond?

At our miniconference we explored practical cases and how-to insights into what sustainable life design looks like across generations.
Speakers at the event were:
- The social business expert who provided an overview of key concepts, trends & cases (Tania Ellis, Host & Founder, The Social Business Company)
- The millennial who quit his prestigious job in the financial sector to build a work life around his passion for sustainability (Varan Pathmanathan, CEO & Founder, MakeImpact; Co-founder, Sustainable Change Makers)
- The senior who refused to retire and today is an active contributor to sustainable change projects worldwide (Lars Mønsted, Retired Sustainability Specialist; Chairman, Seniors Without Borders)
- The corporation that designs sustainability programmes to engage both juniors and seniors (Sanne Urbak Rasmussen, Director, CSR & University Relations, IBM Denmark)
See the full programme here (click image):

Throughout the event we networked and exchanged thoughts on how you can design your own (work) life around sustainability; how companies can adjust their workplace efforts to accommodate; and how juniors and seniors can join forces for the greater good.
The Social Business Club is an inspirational network forum for professionals from around the world with an interest in innovative and sustainable business practices that create value for society and the bottom line – from CSR and social entrepreneurship to social innovation and shared value. Basic membership is free and gives you access to our online network of more than 4000 like-minded members from all over the world.
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