Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text.
Good advice on Danish CSR in Thailand
Many of us know it very well: the company has drawn up CSR policies and guidelines. But how do you translate the good intentions and ambitions into concrete actions that make sense for the individual employee in everyday life? Even if there are many thousands of...
Miniconference: Sustainable Customer Engagement
Put sustainability into the heart of your sales and customer relations efforts How can corporate responsibility and sustainability efforts be used to boost sales, build customer relationships and ultimately contribute to sustainable consumption? At this event we...
The customer is always right
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text.
Miniconference: Sustainable Disruption & Corporate Social Entrepreneurship
About social startups, CSR intrapreneurship and sustainable innovation alliances Disruption in business is not only driven by new tech – it is also driven by climate change and many of the other global imbalances that are currently challenging business as usual. Over...
(How) Can you avoid CSR crises?
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text.
Build an effective business case for CSR
Last year I hosted a workshop at the Danish Business Authority’s summit Driving Sustainable Growth, where a number of Denmark’s largest companies were gathered to discuss how to build social responsibility into the heart of both business and organisations. If there...
Miniconference: New World Solutions to Old World Problems
About (corporate) social innovation in practice How can you develop sustainable (business) solutions that create both progress and prosperity? What is trickle-up innovation, and how does it work in practice? How is co-creation breeding ground for social innovation and...
Philanthropy: Feel-good factor or a business opportunity?
Philanthropy may not necessarily be feel-good money gone down the drain. It can be used as social investment and ‘patient’ capital by businesses that want to develop ‘shared value’ solutions. International social business advisor Tania Ellis explains how. Click on the...
Are you from Mars or from Venus?
Sustainable business requires an effort, which combines masculine and feminine values. That’s why we need women who raise their voices and men who reclaim their hearts. Are you one of them? – Hillary is from Mars, Obama is from Venus. This was the headline of an...
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