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Need a moderator or speaker?

If you want fresh, insightful and inspiring perspectives
on emerging trends and cutting-edge practices from
thefield of responsible, sustainable and social business.


Carina Hedemark

ESG and Sustainability Advisor

Mange års praktiske erfaringer i kombination med en uddannelse inden for bæredygtig forretnings- og forandringsledelse blev startskuddet til Carina Hedemarks virksomhed ESG Management.

“Udover den forretningsstrategiske tilgang, havde SBCM-uddannelsen også et solidt fokus på change management-delen af at arbejde med CSR, hvilket jeg har stor glæde af i dag, når jeg rådgiver andre virksomheder.”

Vibe Jensen

Project Leader Danish Forestry Extension


Selvom Vibe Jensen har mange års erfaring fra praktikerfeltet, følte hun at det alligevel var tid til en opgradering af både viden og værktøjskasse.

Sustainable Business Change Manager uddannelsen har givet hende et godt fundament for at tænke strategisk, udvælge fokusområder, inddrage interessenter og ledelse, rapportere og kommunikere i arbejdet med CSR og SDGerne.

Vibe Jensen

Project Leader Danish Forestry Extension


Selvom Vibe Jensen har mange års erfaring fra praktikerfeltet, følte hun at det alligevel var tid til en opgradering af både viden og værktøjskasse.

Sustainable Business Change Manager uddannelsen har givet hende et godt fundament for at tænke strategisk, udvælge fokusområder, inddrage interessenter og ledelse, rapportere og kommunikere i arbejdet med CSR og SDGerne.

Vibe Jensen

Project Leader Danish Forestry Extension


Selvom Vibe Jensen har mange års erfaring fra praktikerfeltet, følte hun at det alligevel var tid til en opgradering af både viden og værktøjskasse.

Sustainable Business Change Manager uddannelsen har givet hende et godt fundament for at tænke strategisk, udvælge fokusområder, inddrage interessenter og ledelse, rapportere og kommunikere i arbejdet med CSR og SDGerne.

Vibe Jensen

Project Leader Danish Forestry Extension


Selvom Vibe Jensen har mange års erfaring fra praktikerfeltet, følte hun at det alligevel var tid til en opgradering af både viden og værktøjskasse.

Sustainable Business Change Manager uddannelsen har givet hende et godt fundament for at tænke strategisk, udvælge fokusområder, inddrage interessenter og ledelse, rapportere og kommunikere i arbejdet med CSR og SDGerne.

“Tania Ellis gives you an overview of global and social megatrends and inspiration for sustainable business and welfare solutions that meet the needs of the new age.”

“Tania Ellis’ extensive knowledge and passionate delivery has made her a popular speaker, characterized by energy, authenticity and clear communication.”

Speaker Formats


Want to give your audience “ahh” and “aha” insights on gamechanging sustainability & social megatrends?


Are you an organizer offering online events? Or are you hosting an in-house online or hybrid event?


Want a customized presentation with trends & best practice cases relevant to your business or industry?


The combination of over two decades of keynote speaking, sustainable business expertise and management experience makes Tania Ellis a professional and engaging moderator at conferences and other large assemblies. You can also benefit from involving her in the pre-planning stages of your event to ensure that it is designed in the most effective way

Speaking themes

There is no one-size-fits all formula to creating sustainable business success. Partly because it is a journey more than an end-state, but also because it depends on the company’s culture, ambitions, market challenges etc.

Social Megatrends

Ethics, responsibility, sustainability and meaning are the values that are the foundation of the current social megatrend, which is permeating everything from national growth strategies, investor demands, employee needs, consumer desires and society’s expectations to companies today.

The relationship between business and society is not only being changed by external pressures of globalization. The effects of inner globalization are also making their mark on individuals, who feel a sense of personal responsibility to make the world a better place, and are putting this into action as employees, activists, consumers and entrepreneurs.


Business & Entrepreneurship

The 21st century business mindset is represented by this century’s generation of visionary companies and social entrepreneurs that are creating a new face of capitalism.

They believe that social responsibility can be used as a means of generating economic value – and that business can be used as a means of generating social value. Because they realize that sustainable business practices that create both economic and social value will secure business success and long-term growth as well as the well-being of people and planet.

Leadership & Worklife

The 21st century business mindset is represented by this century’s generation of visionary companies and social entrepreneurs that are creating a new face of capitalism.

They believe that social responsibility can be used as a means of generating economic value – and that business can be used as a means of generating social value. Because they realize that sustainable business practices that create both economic and social value will secure business success and long-term growth as well as the well-being of people and planet.

Social Innovation

The 21st century business mindset is represented by this century’s generation of visionary companies and social entrepreneurs that are creating a new face of capitalism.

They believe that social responsibility can be used as a means of generating economic value – and that business can be used as a means of generating social value. Because they realize that sustainable business practices that create both economic and social value will secure business success and long-term growth as well as the well-being of people and planet.

Communication and Branding

The 21st century business mindset is represented by this century’s generation of visionary companies and social entrepreneurs that are creating a new face of capitalism.

They believe that social responsibility can be used as a means of generating economic value – and that business can be used as a means of generating social value. Because they realize that sustainable business practices that create both economic and social value will secure business success and long-term growth as well as the well-being of people and planet.



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